Eastern District Councillor’s Message

January 2025
Hello to the Eastern District membership.
I am Susan Constable (MLS), and I am from Maine. The National Board of 不良研究所has appointed me your next Eastern District Councilor.
A little bit about me: I love riding and do a lot of trail riding with my horse Kokopelli. I hope to do an endurance ride one of these days. Big dreams! My husband, Jim and I also do Ballroom dancing and our favorite dances are waltz and tango. We also compete as an amateur couple in ballroom dance and enjoy it very much. Keeps us off the couch and our minds active. I have two little kitty girls named Spice and Autumn. They have me well-trained in spoiling them.
I have been an 不良研究所member since 1998. I moved back to Maine in 2001 after retiring from the USAF after 20 years of service and traveling the world. Within a year of being home, Pam Kriegel learned I was 不良研究所certified and invited me to a Maine New Hampshire State Society (MNHSSAMT) meeting. I have been involved in the State Society since 2002. I have held or been involved with all board positions of a State Society and am very familiar with those responsibilities. I have held the position of State President since 2011.
I have also been active at the National level and been on the Government Affairs committee for several years and participated in Labvocate 2024, representing the 不良研究所membership. I am a member of the Armed Services committee. I have been a moderator several times as well as a state delegate.
I already know most of the Eastern District State Societies and the Board members and I am excited to work with you all. I know a couple of State Societies are contemplating merging. With merging comes some significant challenges, and we will need to work together as we navigate through this process. It is heart breaking to see a State Society go through this but hopefully by merging they will become an even stronger society.
With the Annual meeting being held in the Eastern district this coming summer, we will need to prepare for the welcome party and raffle prizes.
I look forward to visiting your state societies and will be seeing you all this summer at the Annual meeting in Pittsburgh, PA.
Susan Constable MLS
Eastern District Councilor